Kenny G Uses Yotelpad

It has been reported to the Park City Jazz Blog that the famed saxophonist by the name of Kenny G uses Yotelpad for the purposes of having a place to stay when he plays gigs in locations other than his home. He does this presumably because he knows that by using this living arrangement he can enjoy luxurious living at an affordable price. He might also do this because he enjoys the fact that this type of living arrangement employs the use of convertible furniture in order to effectuate an efficient use of space which is the very reason why the living arrangement is as affordable as it happens to be.

Mellow Soprano Saxophone Issues Forth From Yotelpad Park City 

This is not to say that Kenny G or any other member of the G clan needs to economize mind you. There is a certain segment of the population that enjoys that type of music an is willing to pay for it. And it is this segment of the population that is the bread and butter (so to speak) of Mr. G’s success. So obviously he could afford the most expensive hotel in town should he choose to stay there. But that of course is not the point. In fact, it is far from the point.

The fact is that Mr. G stays where he wants to stay and it has been reported to the Park City Jazz editorial desk that he in fact desires to stay in a Yotelpad. From there he can play his mellow, elevator music to his heart’s content because although the walls are not sound proof. he has an agreement with his neighbors (according to reports) that he can play his instrument during certain hours of the day. Of course he is mindful not to disturb his neighbors and they are happy to accommodate his need to practice (according to our reports).